Tuesday 12 February 2008

[Vietnam Public Health] Economic Benefit of Tuberculosis Control

A Policy Research Working Paper,

Number: 4295

Code: WPS4295

Author: Ramanan Laxminarayan, Eili Klein, Christopher Dye, Katherine Floyd, Sarah Darley, Olusoji Adeyi,


Tuberculosis is the most important infectious cause of adult deaths after HIV/AIDS in low- and middle-income

countries. This paper evaluates the economic benefits of extending the World Health Organization’s DOTS

Strategy (a multi-component approach that includes directly observed treatment, short course chemotherapy

and several other components) as proposed in the Global Plan to Stop TB, 2006-2015. The authors use

a model-based approach that combines epidemiological projections of averted mortality and economic

benefits measured using value of statistical life for the Sub-Saharan Africa region and the 22 high-burden,

tuberculosis-endemic countries in the world. The analysis finds that the economic benefits between

2006 and 2015 of sustaining DOTS at current levels relative to having no DOTS coverage are significantly

greater than the costs in the 22 high-burden, tuberculosis-endemic countries and the Africa region.

The marginal benefits of implementing the Global Plan to Stop TB relative to a no-DOTS scenario exceed the

marginal costs by a factor of 15 in the 22 high-burden endemic countries, a factor of 9 (95% CI, 8-9) in the

Africa region, and a factor of 9 (95% CI, 9-10) in the nine high-burden African countries. Uncertainty analysis

shows that benefit-cost ratios of the Global Plan strategy relative to sustained DOTS were unambiguously greater

than one in all nine high-burden countries in Africa and in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Russia. Although

HIV curtails the effect of the tuberculosis programs by lowering the life expectancy of those receiving treatment,

the benefits of the Global Plan are greatest in African countries with high levels of HIV.

Posted By Kingdragon to Vietnam Public Health on 2/13/2008 01:13:00 AM

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