Tuesday 26 February 2008

[Vietnam Public Health] Resources for Qualitative Research

Seidel 1998   here
E-Mail Discussion Lists

ResearchWare, Inc. subscribes to the following e-mail lists:


This e-mail list is maintained by ResearchWare, Inc. and devoted to discussions of the use of HyperRESEARCH in qualitative data analysis. If you currently use HyperRESEARCH for data analysis, please join hyperres-l and share your questions and experiences with other HyperRESEARCH users! ResearchWare, Inc. staff also monitor the list to answer any technical support and similar questions.

If you are currently investigating computer software for qualitative data analysis, you're welcome to join hyperres-l to get feedback from others who currently use HyperRESEARCH in their own work.

To subscribe to hyperres-l, send e-mail to majordomo@researchware.com with the message "subscribe hyperres-l". (Please note that the "l" is a lowercase "L" for "List," not a numeral one.) If you have any difficulties subscribing, or any questions concerning the e-mail list, contact ResearchWare staff at support@researchware.com.

To send messages to all hyperres-l subscribers, simply compose an e-mail message and send it to "hyperres-l@researchware.com." You may start any topic pertaining to HyperRESEARCH you wish, or join in on a topic someone else starts. E-mail lists like hyperres-l are a great way to get feedback and advice from other software users.


This e-mail list is devoted to discussions of the use of software in qualitative data analysis. For complete information, including archived messages and instructions on joining, visit the Mailbase web site at http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/qual-software/. Mailbase hosts other lists for social scientists, researchers, and educators; you can see their offerings by category at http://www.mailbase.ac.uk/category.html.


QUALRS-L is both an e-mail discussion list and a member of the Usenet newsgroup community. Discussions involve all facets of qualitative research. You can join the e-mail list by sending the message "sub QUALRS-L your name" to listserv@uga.cc.uga.edu. Or visit the newsgroup at bit.listserv.qualrs-l.

Qualitative Data Analysis Software Sites
CAQDAS Networking Project

(Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software)

This site aims to disseminate an understanding of the practical skills needed to use software which has been designed to assist qualitative data analysis (e.g. field research, ethnography, text analysis).

Social Science Research Sites
Research Resources for the Social Sciences

This is the on-line site that goes with the book Using the Web for Social Research by Craig McKie. The site contains a wealth of links under such topics as Women's Studies, Sociology/Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, News/Journalism, Psychology, and more. The book can be ordered on-line as well.

QualPage (Resources for Qualitative Researchers)

This site offers many links to other resources on the web, including discussion forums, electronic journals, papers, publishers, and much more.

Social Science Information Gateway

SOSIG is an online catalogue of hundreds of high quality Internet resources relevant to social science education and research. You may search their database, or browse their topics.

A Sociological Tour Through Cyberspace

This site offers links organized under such topics as General Sociological Links; Sociological Theory; Data Resources; Methods and Statistics; Guide to Writing a Research Paper; and Exercising the Imagination: Subject-Based Inquiries.

The Argus Clearinghouse: Social Sciences & Social Issues

Links to sites relating to anthropology, archaeology, communities and urban planning, families, linguistics, political science, psychology, social activism, social issues, and sociology.

On-Line Journals
The Qualitative Report
Nova Southeastern University, School of Social and Systemic Studies, produces this "online journal dedicated to qualitative research and critical inquiry."
FQS Forum - Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Conjunctions and Divergences

FQS is a peer-reviewed multilingual online journal for qualitative research. Established in 1999, we are currently in the process of re-organizing FQS by setting up broader information and communication resources for qualitative researchers, supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft as of July 2001.

Specific Articles
Qualitative Data Analysis (PDF format)

John V. Seidel, Qualis Research

Theory Building in Qualitative Research and Computer Programs for the Management of Textual Data

Kelle, U. (1997), Sociological Research Online, vol. 2, no. 2,

Focus Group Data and Qualitative Analysis Programs: Coding the Moving Picture as Well as the Snapshots

Catterall, M. and Maclaran, P. (1997) , Sociological Research Online, vol. 2, no. 1,

Grounded Theory as Scientific Method

Brian D. Haig, University of Canterbury

Qualitative Measures: Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

From The Knowledge Base, An Online Research Methods Textbook.

Data Archives
Data on the Net

(compiled by the University of California, San Diego)

An excellent site offering links to hundreds of Internet sites offering Social Science data.


Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research

National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect
New Zealand Social Research Data Archives

Massey University

Swedish Social Science Data Service

Göteborgs Universitet

Posted By Kingdragon to Vietnam Public Health on 2/26/2008 10:20:00 PM

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